Corporate Trainer Salary in India

Corporate Trainer Salary in India?

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Corporate Trainer Salary in India
Corporate Trainer

Today, we would be discussing about Corporate Trainer salary in India. Corporate training is the process of educating employees through a system of activities that uses various types of learning programmes to teach them. It serves as a catalyst for employee achievement, which means the success of your company/organization as a whole.

While it benefits companies, it also benefits employees by allowing them to acquire and hone information and skills in order to advance professionally and personally.

Companies must invest in training and development in order to improve employee performance. It increases individuals’ job abilities and knowledge, allowing them to perform better at work.

In larger corporations, Development or Talent teams are in charge of training the employees, but in smaller businesses, Human Resources is in charge. They must determine the themes and requirements for training programmes and make them available to employees. They are in charge of developing employee experience and journey strategies and roadmaps.

Who is a Corporate Trainer?

What is a Corporate Trainer’s Salary in India?

When we are talking about Corporate Trainers, we are actually referring to a vast type of trainers. Corporate Trainers are people who train the corporate staff on various topics. Just like a teacher in school does not teach all topics, in a similar way Corporate Trainers also have their specializations.

I have mentioned some broad subjects below:

  • Soft Skills Training
    • Soft skill training should not be disregarded because how your staff act is just as important as what they know. Employees can favourably improve the company’s profitability and increase ROI by developing soft skills, according to studies.
    • Communication, problem-solving, and decision-making are examples of soft talents that pertain to interpersonal relationships. They assist employees in interacting with their coworkers and customers in a productive and pleasant manner. They’re crucial for attracting new customers, boosting customer service, and forming a strong team.
  • Hard Skills Training (How to do the job? Maybe Technical or Non-Technical)
    • There’s always space for growth, no matter how professional your employees are. Employee development is centred on hard skills since this type of training allows employees to strengthen the abilities they require in their jobs and become even better professionals.
    • A graphic designer who has mastered Photoshop, for example, can advance by learning how to work in other design software, while a programmer who is proficient in CSS and JavaScript can receive additional training to understand Python programming. To stay current with the latest advances, employees must undergo frequent training.
  • Product Training
    • Product knowledge is the ability for members of your team to thoroughly comprehend and effectively speak with clients about what you offer, including its features, benefits, applications, and costs.
    • This training is frequently offered as part of a new hire’s onboarding programme. It’s also beneficial for employees who need to brush up on the company’s products and services, and it’s held whenever a new feature or product is released to ensure that the team is always up to date.
    • Product knowledge training is a certain approach to boost your company’s revenue and customer satisfaction KPIs.
  • Induction / New Hire Training
    • This type of training begins as soon as a newly hired employee arrives at work and continues until the person is able to operate independently. Its major goal is to speed up the new employee onboarding process by making them feel more at ease and productive.
    • The onboarding training programme can be customised, however it usually consists of two parts:
      • All new hires will receive training. It contains general company information, such as its history, mission, vision, and values, as well as corporate policies and regulations.
      • For a certain function, you’ll need specific training. This focuses on acquiring basic information and abilities that a new hire will need to succeed in a certain position.
  • Compliance Training
    • Compliance training is frequently included in new hire onboarding and is required. It’s usually a structured programme that focuses on corporate regulations or rules, allowing employees and employers to avoid both workplace difficulties and legal breaches.
    • These regulations and procedures are usually related to a specific employment or sector. What workers should be compliant in and what kind of training is required can also be influenced by location. Anti-harassment and diversity training programmes, company ethics, workplace safety, and data protection and privacy training are all examples of compliance training.
public speaking
Product Training – TV

Large Established enterprises have large Learning and Development teams. But, when it comes to developing organizations you might be the L&D Department by yourself.

Organizations which has a well structured L&D Team pay more in comparison to developing companies. This is because established organizations find value in the growth and development of their workforce. Of-course their are exceptions always, sometimes start-ups might pay you more than big corporates because that is how they would be able to attract talent.

Corporate Trainer Salary in India

Below is the range of corporate trainer salary in India earned by different designations: (Source Glassdoor Salaries)

Soft Skills Trainer192000396000600000
Technical Trainer2000006000001000000
Product Trainer2000006000001000000
Process Trainer204000420000636000
Regional Trainer6280009640001300000
Average Corporate Trainers Salary in India


As teaching is a Nobel profession as teachers are responsible for developing student. In the same way Corporate Trainers are responsible for developing employees and in-turn the organization.

Corporate Trainers have the responsibility of identifying gaps in the system and fill the gaps with L&D interventions.

Speaking to people in way that they Listen, understand and retain is a skill which takes time to develop. People who want to pursue this career must always remember that Learning and Development is a support function. That essentially means L&D Teams have to move as per the function they are supporting.

The corporate trainer salaries in India that we discussed above are based on data that people with those Corporate Training designations have added on Glassdoor. The higher end of salaries are drawn by people with either higher experience or who have developed themselves fast.

So the overall salary range for Corporate Trainers and other related designations is between 1,92,000 and 13,00,000.

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